
Accessible Bathtub

Safe Bathing for Elderly and People with Limited Mobility

Height-Adjustable Bathtub for an Accessible Bathroom

If you need help from caregivers to bathe, a height-adjustable bathtub makes a big difference. It allows everyone to enjoy a relaxing bath with dignity. The Ropox bathtub for people with disabilities is specifically designed to make it easy and comfortable to get in and out, creating a safe bathing experience for people with limited mobility.


See the possibilities here

Electric Height Adjustable Bathtub



Height adjustment

30 cm (61-91 cm)


Hand control


160 cm / 170 cm / 180 cm

Max. user weight

250 kg incl. user and water

View Electric Height Adjustable Bathtub

Electric Height Adjustment

Safety and Support

Improved Working Conditions

Sturdy and Stable

Who is the Height-Adjustable Bathtub for?

The bathtub is ideal for the elderly, people with disabilities, and anyone who needs extra support while bathing. Additionally, it is beneficial for caregivers as it offers a safer and more effective way to assist users during bathing.

Why Choose a Height-Adjustable Bathtub?

The bathtub provides optimal working conditions for caregivers because it is easy to adjust to the ideal working height. Caregivers can also use a mobile lift to assist a person into the bathtub, as there is sufficient space under the tub for the lift’s legs.

Contact Us for More Information

Our bathroom aids are designed to adapt to different spaces, ensuring that everyone can have a safe and accessible bathroom.

If you want more information about our bathtubs or want to know what is possible with your needs, feel free to contact us. We are here to help you find the best solution to improve accessibility and independence.

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