
Wheelchair Friendly Training Tables

The Optimal Choice for Training Sessions for User and Therapist

Therapist and User Table

The Ergo Multi Table is designed with special features compared to our regular tables. It can be used for specific training activities where a user and a therapist sit opposite each other. The table features ergonomic curves on each side, enabling two people to sit comfortably together. Even a wheelchair user can get close, as there are no crossbars under the table.


See the possibilities here

ErgoMulti Table - Height Adjustable Training Table

Manual height adjustment

34 cm (56-90 cm)




H: 56-90 cm x W: 90 cm x D: 70 cm (Inner width: 73.6 cm)

View ErgoMulti Table - Height Adjustable Training Table

Ideal for Training Sessions

Manual Height Adjustment

Improved Working Conditions

Adaptive Design

Who Is the Ergo Multi Table For?

The Ergo Multi Table is specifically designed for individuals and professionals involved in therapy and rehabilitation, where effective communication and interaction are important. The ergonomic curves on each side of the table also make it possible to use the table in various educational settings, where instructors and students can benefit from the design. In short, the table can be used for therapy and teaching.

Why Choose the Ergo Multi Table for People with Disabilities?

The Ergo Multi Table has many advantages, especially for therapeutic purposes. The table is recommended by occupational therapist Anette Kjærsgaard, PhD in Dysphagia. In the book Face, Mouth, and Throat (Ansigt, Mund og Svælg), she describes several situations where she uses the table. She describes, among other things, how she uses the table during therapeutic eating sessions, where the patient is guided to bring a spoon to the mouth with a focus on eye-hand and hand-mouth coordination.

Contact Us for More Information

Our Ergo Multi Table is designed for individuals and professionals involved in therapy and rehabilitation, where effective communication and interaction are important.

If you want more information about our tables or want to know what is possible with your needs, please feel free to contact us. We are available to assist you in identifying optimal solutions to improve accessibility and independence.

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